Emails and Auto-Responders
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and converts higher than any other form of traffic. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email sequence below to being your promotion.
If you don't currently have enough subscribers, it's never too late to get more. If you don't have an email list, it's never too late to start. Take action, build your list and you'll have the ability to promote our instant-pay products on demand!
If you're new to list building, it's always a good idea to get to grips with your autoresponder. You can still add the below emails into your auto-responder sequence together with our other range of products and build your own campaigns. The more emails you add into your campaign, the more profit you'll make. Please note that these emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
(Send on Day 1) - 6 Simple Tricks to Make More JVZoo Product Sales (in 15 minutes or less)
(Send on Day 2) - re: 6 Simple Tricks to Make More JVZoo Product Sales (in 15 minutes or less)
re: 6 Simple Tricks to Make More JVZoo Product Sales (in 15 minutes or less)
RE: 15 Minute JVZoo Profit Tweaks (6 things you can do right now...)
Did you know there are some simple
things you could be doing in your
business right now that can double,
triple even quadruple your sales?
JVZoo Conversion Secrets is a short yet
high effective video course designed to
help you squeeze as much profit from
your existing products as possible
without having to re-invent the wheel.
Inside you'll discover...
* Why looking for the latest and
greatest 'new shiny object' is costing
you and where you should be focusing
your attention
* How seemingly simple and
insignificant marketing tweaks are so
wrongly overlooked, yet can have a
tremendous affect on your profits
(think of the butterfly effect...)
* The psychology behind scarcity and
how to use people's fear of losing out
to your advantage. Understand the why,
and the how and implementation will
make more sense
* How to apply time-limited discounts
to your sales process efficiently so
you can invest your time in more
profitable areas of your business
* A dead-simple marketing tactic you
can apply to your customers, why this
works so well, and how to apply it on
your next product launch
* How to create private joint-venture
deals and why spending an extra day or
two setting this up can automate most
of your product sales and multiply your
* How and why to apply dime sales and
automated price bumps to motivate
'fence sitters' to take action. Find
out what price to start off with, how
much to increment by, and what price to
stop at plus more
If you want to see a flood of
'notification of payments' hitting your
inbox with every product you release,
then take the time now to check out
what this course can do for you.
The best part is that these tactics are
not limited to only internet marketing
products on JVZoo, but can be applied
to any product in any niche on any
The end result is more product sales,
winning ad campaigns, motivated
long-term affiliates, a bigger customer
database, and ultimately more profit in
your pockets.
Watch the short video below to see what
this course can do for you...
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
(Send on Day 3) - FREE Download! 100 Ways to Increase Your Product Sales (tactics inside...)
FREE Download! 100 Ways to Increase Your Product Sales (tactics inside...)
If you sell your own products online or
plan to put together your own bonus
packages for affiliate offers it always
helps to present your products in the
best possible way.
Sure the content may be good but if you
can't sell and persuade people of it's
value then there's no one is going to
know about it.
This is why it's so important put just
as much effort in the sales process as
you put into creating the perfect
Inside today's special report we'll
reveal 100 simple tactics that you can
start implementing in your business
today. Here's a detailed look at what's
1. The Author It Tactic
2. The Time Involved Tactic
3. The Turn The Page Tactic
4. The Chopped Up Tactic
5. The Mega Tactic
6. The Original Recipe Tactic
7. The Royalty Tactic
8. The Can't Be Ignored Tactic
9. The I'll Support You Tactic
10. The Sell It Tactic
11. The Complete Resource Tactic
12. The Choose It Tactic
13. The Real Life Tactic
14. The Trivia Tactic
15. The Bestseller Tactic
16. The Access Time Tactic
17. The Kid Tactic
18. The No Confusion Tactic
19. The Nowhere Else Tactic
20. The Free Refill Tactic
21. The Pick Your Poison Tactic
22. The Guarded Secrets Tactic
23. The Nothing Held Back Tactic
24. The Extra Time Tactic
25. The Seeing Double Tactic
26. The Twist Of New Tactic
27. The Navigation Tactic
28. The Third Party Tactic
29. The Ease Their Concerns Tactic
30. The Pet The Puppy Tactic
31. The Bigger Is Better Tactic
32. The Misinformation Tactic
33. The Customize It Tactic
34. The Handy Dandy Tactic
35. The T And P Tactic
36. The Limited Edition Tactic
37. The No Worries Tactic
38. The Award Tactic
39. The Ancient Secret Tactic
40. The Serial Number Tactic
41. The Helpful Tools Tactic
42. The General Public Tactic
43. The Authority Tactic
44. The Precisely Detailed Tactic
45. The Speeding Bullet Tactic
46. The Got Gifts? Tactic
47. The Traffic Tools Tactic
48. The Huge List Tactic
49. The Follow The Leader Tactic
50. The It's Proofed Tactic
51. The Recycle It Tactic
52. The Take Action Tactic
53. The Small But Huge Tactic
54. The Discount Reward Tactic
55. The Choose Fee Or Free Tactic
56. The News Outlets Tactic
57. The Re-Buy It Tactic
58. The Don't Do It Tactic
59. The Password Tactic
60. The Casino Tactic
61. The Buy Stats Tactic
62. The Feel What I Feel Tactic
63. The Bargain Tactic
64. The Privacy Policy Tactic
65. The Apply For It Tactic
66. The Been Around Forever Tactic
67. The Mood Enhancer Tactic
68. The Talk To Yourself Tactic
69. The Get Closer Tactic
70. The Follow My Orders Tactic
71. The Give Feedback Tactic
72. The Lucky Tactic
73. The Content Ingredients Tactic
74. The Want A Job? Tactic
75. The It's Not That Much Tactic
76. The Story Time Tactic
77. The Peer Pressure Tactic
78. The Double Fortune Tactic
79. The Emotion Shifting Tactic
80. The What Do I Get Tactic
81. The Remember A Time Tactic
82. The Hear And See Tactic
83. The It's A Report Tactic
84. The Template Tactic
85. The Sounds Real Tactic
86. The I'll Publish Yours If Tactic
87. The Oh, That's Simple Tactic
88. The Something In Common Tactic
89. The Agree With Me Tactic
90. The Same Choice Tactic
91. The Lead In Tactic
92. The I Have Faith Tactic
93. The Common Sense Tactic
94. The Facts Of Life Tactic
95. The Past, Present, Future? Tactic
96. The About You Tactic
97. The Other People Tactic
98. The Indirect Tactic
99. The Vivid Demonstration Tactic
100. The Gave Me Goose Bumps Tactic
Download directly at the top of the page...
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
P.S. If you are currently selling your
own products or plan to in the near
future then it pays to learn how to use
JVZoo. Boost your conversion rates and
maximize your sales for both you and
your affiliates and attract more
(Send on Day 4) - ENDS SOON! 15min Profit Tweaks (JVZoo tactics you can use right now...)
ENDS SOON! 15min Profit Tweaks (JVZoo tactics you can use right now...)
QUICK Reminder: Get More JVZoo Sales (6 tactics you can use right now...)
If you're looking for a way to get more
sales from your existing products
without having to go out of your way to
create new ones then look no further.
Here's a quick reminder of what's
inside this course...
* Why looking for the latest and
greatest 'new shiny object' is costing
you and where you should be focusing
your attention
* How seemingly simple and
insignificant marketing tweaks are so
wrongly overlooked, yet can have a
tremendous affect on your profits
(think of the butterfly effect...)
* The psychology behind scarcity and
how to use people's fear of losing out
to your advantage. Understand the why,
and the how and implementation will
make more sense
* How to apply time-limited discounts
to your sales process efficiently so
you can invest your time in more
profitable areas of your business
* A dead-simple marketing tactic you
can apply to your customers, why this
works so well, and how to apply it on
your next product launch
* How to create private joint-venture
deals and why spending an extra day or
two setting this up can automate most
of your product sales and multiply your
* How and why to apply dime sales and
automated price bumps to motivate
'fence sitters' to take action. Find
out what price to start off with, how
much to increment by, and what price to
stop at plus more
If you are currently selling your own
products, or plan to in the near future
then it pays to learn how to use JVZoo
to it's fullest capacity.
With JVZoo you already have the
advantage getting your product seen by
buyers and affiliates but if you want
to increase your conversion rates and
maximize your sales for both you and
your affiliates, then it's worth
learning these powerful tricks...
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.